Swan Lake
Share the stage with the State Ballet of Ukraine
Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc., is proud to serve as the host studio for the State Ballet of Ukraine and their upcoming performance of Swan Lake. Dancers and those with dance experience age 3+ may audition for one of the many available performance roles.
Auditions will be held on Saturday, October 5th, 2024 at Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc., located in Pleasant Valley Marketplace off of Lynnhaven Road in Virginia Beach. The studio is diagonally across from Salem Middle School, located directly in between Food Lion and Tung Hoi inside the shopping center. There is plenty of free parking on site.
Dancers do not need to prepare audition material. Choreography will be taught to demonstrate dance technique and/or acting ability. Younger students must be able to follow directions and be able to participate in the entire audition process without parental help.
Please pre-register and pay the $25.00 Early Bird fee using the online registration link provided at the top of this page. Registration after October 1st will incur an additional $10.00 fee.
Girls: Leotard, ballet tights, well-fitted ballet slippers/or point shoes, hair swept up and back off face and in bun.
Boys: White t-shirt, black tights/shorts, well-fitted ballet slippers.
Dancers should bring a water bottle. Valuables and jewelry should be left at home or with a parent or guardian.
NOTE: This is a closed audition, so parents are expected to leave after dropping off your dancer. Please return five minutes before the conclusion of your dancers audition.
Those chosen for the cast will be notified on the same day by the end of the audition; A mandatory Parent Meeting for those offered roles will be held immediately upon the end of auditions. Specific routines each dancer will perform and the rehearsal schedule will be confirmed 2-3 weeks following the audition via video and email from Miss Sonya, once received from Mr. Yachmennikov.

Swan Lake
The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine comes to the United States to present the full-length ballet Swan Lake. This will be a full length Ballet in 2 acts with intermission. The full-scale production, set to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky and based on folklore and legend, follows a heroic young prince as he works to free the beautiful swan maiden from an evil spell.
The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine is recognized as one of the most prestigious institutions of classical ballet in Ukraine and can boast an extremely varied repertoire, carrying the honor and the task to preserve the precious heritage of the Great classical ballets. The ballet company consists of the best performers, graduates of prestigious Ukrainian choreography schools. Many talented artists have danced with the State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine company in its different periods and many of them have been soloists in major international companies. A part of the company’s collection has always been the great masterpieces of classical ballet, from “Sylphide” by Bournonville, to “Giselle” by Adam, “Don Quixote” and “La Bayadère” by Minkus, "Sleeping Beauty,” "The Nutcracker” and "Swan Lake” by Tchaikovsky, "Cinderella" by Prokofiev to the various twentieth-century ballets by Stravinsky, Falla, and Shchedrin. Due to the many tours worldwide, The State Ballet Theater of Ukraine has earned a first-class international reputation.
CAE’s Vaganova-trained Professional Ballet Dancer and Audition Director, Mr. Artem Yachmennikov, is integral to the success of the student dancers who perform beside the pros in the Nutcracker, Cinderella & Swan Lake! His team of ballet professionals will audition and rehearse over 3000 local ballet students this coming winter season through the troupe’s cities on the tour, helping to prepare them for their debut alongside State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine's company of 55 professional Ukrainian dancers. Mr. Artem is a graduate of the Vaganova Ballet Academy in Russia and has danced as principal and soloist with the San Francisco Ballet, Bolshoi Theatre, Dutch National Ballet and Mariinsky Theatre.
Schedule of Auditions
Audition Fee: $25.00 in advance.
Early Bird registration closes at midnight on October 1st.
$35.00 if you pay online on 10/2nd - 4th or in person on the day of the audition
3:30 - 3:50PM - Ages 3 - 5 (Must be enrolled in a ballet class)
3:50 - 4:15PM - Ages 5 - 9 (Dance experience required)
4:15 - 4:45PM - Ages 9 - 12 (Dance experience required)
4:45 - 5:15PM - Ages 13+ (Dance experience required)
5:30PM Parent Meeting

Rehearsals & Performance
Swan Lake Rehearsal Dates
Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc. - Studio A & B
Saturday dates and times - TBD
This performance commitment will run from October through the final performance in December 2024. The commitment time for those selected, is 1st rehearsal through the final performance. There may be no absences from rehearsal. Any student missing the rehearsal classes may be removed from the cast to the position of understudy with no refund of performance fees. Extenuating circumstances, such as injury or illness, should be discussed with the director. Participants must be consistent in rehearsal attendance in order to achieve a performance of the highest caliber.
All roles will regularly rehearse once per week at Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc.
Rehearsals will likely be held on Saturday afternoons to minimize conflicts with other commitments.
Thursdays are an option for rehearsals if dancers for some roles have availability.
Swan Lake Mandatory Dress Rehearsal
Harrison Opera House: Tuesday, December 17, 2024; Morning (Exact time TBD)
160 W Virginia Beach Blvd. - Norfolk, Virginia 23510
Swan Lake Performance Date
Harrison Opera House: Tuesday, December 17, 2024; 7:30PM
160 W Virginia Beach Blvd. - Norfolk, Virginia 23510
Opportunity and Commitment
Classical Arts Entertainment’s production of Swan Lake is an incredible opportunity for local dancers to experience a professional production that will be seen by thousands of people this holiday season. Being selected as a cast member is an honor and a privilege. Those selected will work with professional directors, choreographers, and dancers, wear exquisite costumes, and appear on a lavish set of the Harrison Opera House 160 W Virginia Beach Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23510
Along with the honor of being selected comes commitment and responsibility that requires a high level of dedication from both the performer and the performer’s parents/guardians. Before auditioning, potential cast members must consider all their other activities and be willing to put their commitment to this production above those activities should they conflict with Swan Lake rehearsal or performance times. When deciding to audition, please keep in mind that this is a professional production, not just another extracurricular activity. Dozens of performers, directors, choreographer as well as the performance itself, will be depending on each of its cast members.
Communication with parents/guardians will be done mainly through emails and at rehearsals. These updates will provide parents with pertinent rehearsal and performance information. Please be sure your email information is current and check for emails periodically to ensure you are getting all email communications. I can be contacted via email at danceartistry@aol.com. I will make every effort to check this email once daily to ensure that all questions and concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Please allow 24-48 hours for a return response regarding information not already addressed in written correspondence.
Questions regarding rehearsals at Dance Artistry Unlimited may also be directed to Miss Sonya by using the contact form or chat feature on this website.
Production Fee
A $100 participation fee (non-refundable) will be required of all participants offered a role. The participation fee helps to cover the following expenses incurred by CAE: rehearsals, costume use and cleaning, and administrative fees. Half of this fee will be due at the Parent Meeting immediately following the audition. The remaining balance (50%) is due before the first rehearsal. Payments may be made by cash, check, money order or credit card. Please note that credit card and ACH payments will incur a 5% convenience fee.
Costumes will be provided by CAE. They will be used on the day of the performance and will be returned after the performance without any damage before the participants are released to their parents. Eating and drinking are prohibited when costumes are on. Participants are responsible for providing your own tights, shoes, make up and other personal items to be announced at a later date.
Tickets are available for purchase through the studio, with a Special Promo Code offering a 10% discount for the cast and studio families/friends. Each family participating is required to advertise and secure the purchase of 6 tickets. You will be provided with a form to track tickets purchased by family, friends, coworkers, etc. This form will be turned in prior to the general rehearsal.
Photography & Videography
CAE will have an exclusive professional photographer taking photos of the dancers in costumes. The photos will be available at the theatre as printable and digital ($30 digital and printed first photo (two formats in one). Any additional digital photo will be $25 per photo. The company's policy does not allow any other photographer on the side. All videotaping during auditions, rehearsals, and/or performances is prohibited. Professional videography of the performance is offered by Classical Arts Entertainment.
Again, for questions contact...
For questions about the rehearsal schedule contact Miss Sonya Leigh McGee via email at danceartistry@aol.com or call (757) 368-5711. Please note that this phone is not manned daily; leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours.
For a faster response, use the "chat" feature when available or the email address provided.
See the official Audition Information letter provided below for remaining details or to print your own copy of the aforementioned items.