Frequently Asked Questions...
Let's face it, there are a lot of options for dance studios in the Hampton Roads area. Every studio holds a different philosophy about instruction, placement, cost, and more. Here are a few questions that I am regularly asked that may address some of your questions regarding instruction at Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc.
Why is your pricing less than your competitors?
The slogan "Quality dance instruction at reasonable cost" was selected for a reason. I grew up in Massachusetts where I attended two amazing studios, but dance there and in other states where I have taken class and taught, have come with a hefty price tag and some concessions on my parents part over the years to afford me the opportunity. I want to make dance a viable option for those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend in today's economy, while still producing students who truly learn the technique, discipline, and stage presence often only associated with "expensive" studios. In addition to quality instruction, DAUI offers professionally installed DuraDance "sprung" (air cushioned) flooring in both Studio A and Studio B of our appealing facility, complete with changing rooms, a water fountain, rest room, and an open lobby.
What makes Dance Artistry Unlimited different?
First of all, you and your dancer have the opportunity to work with an instructor who is a certified educator in the public school system. "Miss Sonya" is a certified K-12 instructor in special education and English, which is a unique opportunity for those she works with. It means she understands how a wide range of children learn in general, not just how to teach dance. In addition, Miss Sonya has performed professionally as a singer, dancer, and cheerleader in addition to serving as instructor and choreographer for dance studios and pageants. She understands how to develop the dancer with professional aspirations and also understands how to enable dancers to translate the discipline of dance to the academic setting and future career endeavors beyond the dance realm.
How do you determine what level is best for my dancer?
Dance Artistry Unlimited uses a system of levels to match students as closely as possible within each class and subject. Students are placed based on age and years of experience as well as on size, skill level, coordination, musicality, concentration and maturity in accepting corrections. Each class can therefore be paced to meet the needs of the majority. It is important for parents and students to understand, however, that dance class levels are not the same as grade levels in school. This means that dance students may not always change levels each year and all students not may progress at the same rate as their peers from year to year. This does not mean that your dancer has not made progress or that he or she is being "held back". In fact, in most cases the entire class progresses as a unit, which does not always require a change in class designation. Students dancing far above their current placement level will be moved to the next, based on evaluations by their teacher(s) at a time that best supports their overall growth and development.
When can I go on Pointe?
The bones of a child's feet start to become harder at ages 9 - 11 years. This is why it is commonly thought that dancers should not go on Pointe until this time; it is during this time that the cartilage growth plates are becoming harder. However, the cartilage and growth areas do not form into bone until about ages 18 - 20. Deciding when a student begins Pointe is made on an individual basis for each dancer at about 9 – 11 with the internationally accepted age being eleven. The surrounding musculature should be strong enough to stabilize and reduce stresses and strains to the joints and immature bones. As your child’s dance teacher, I will assess several prerequisite guidelines in determining your student's readiness to begin Pointe work and notify you when (and if) she is ready. At DAUI this progression begins by taking both ballet and pre-Pointe instruction on a weekly basis,
Do you hold an annual dance recital?
Dance Artistry Unlimited holds an annual recital each year on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of June. This performance includes all students taking Technical Level classes and is held at a local school or civic auditorium. Every effort is made to ensure that costume, recital fee, and ticket pricing is as reasonable as our tuition pricing. Payments are divided into installments to make this performance opportunity more affordable for families with more than one dancer. Please note that we do not spend the entire dance season learning recital routines. The emphasis is on technique and skill development for a minimum of six months of our ten month dance season.
Why do you charge a recital fee and what do I receive?
Dance Artistry Unlimited holds an annual recital each year on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of June at a local school or civic auditorium. Unfortunately, since COVID, auditorium rental prices have increased exponentially. In addition, due to the recent rise in random public attacks, I am now required to have a police officer on site in addition to my usual security. With the reasonable pricing charged for instruction at DAUI, the studio is unable to fully absorb the yearly rental and police expenditures, so part of this expense is divided among the recital participants. If your dancer's expenses for the year are paid in full on or before June 1st, you will receive two complimentary General Admission tickets to the performance. In addition, each family will receive one free copy of the the recital performance and the piece of mind that a VBPD officer is looking out for our safety and protection throughout the duration of our recital day.
Do you charge a "fixed" fee for recital costumes?
While many studios charge a fixed rate for recital costumes, regardless of age, Dance Artistry Unlimited does not. Costume prices vary based on what is selected and the accessories needed to ensure that your dancer has everything needed to look his or her best on stage. Occasionally, I am able purchase a costume for less than the typical pricing. By not having a "fixed" fee per costume, I am able to pass this savings on to you! All costume fees include tights and accessories except shoes. It is important that parents adhere to the shoe styles required for each class to avoid additional expense at recital time. Occasionally. dancers may need a style of shoe not used for instruction. This information will be passed along in advance and every effort will be made to keep this unexpected expense as reasonable as possible. Please note that this is only done when a costume requires a particular "look" to support the theme of the dance. (i.e., sneakers to coordinate with a basketball themed jazz dance)