COVID-19 Safety Procedures and Precautions
at Dance Artistry Unlimited, Inc.
Guidelines for the 2024-25 Season
Dance Artistry Unlimited will begin our fall season on Monday, September 9th to allow students and parents an opportunity to adjust to the commencement of the new school year before adding dance to your weekly schedule. DAUI will continue full in-person instruction and will only offer the hybrid dance program provided in the Spring of 2020 and the 2020-21 dance season if local health conditions indicate that it is best for the safety of DAUI dancers and staff. In-person participation is limited to the registration capacity numbers indicated for each instructional level on our registration system. If numbers are reduced due to state mandates, the number of dancers allowed to attend class in person are adjusted accordingly and all others will need to participate online. Without state health restrictions, Studio A is spacious enough to accommodate 25 - 30 dancers. Studio B can accommodate 10 - 15 dancers. These numbers are reduced for in-person instruction when state restriction guidelines mandate greater social distancing.
Remaining COVID-19 Safety Protocols
I am certainly looking forward to seeing everyone for our first "normal" season in over three years. With that said, it is still important to me that I continue to ensure the safety of DAUI dancers, families, and staff, who participate to enjoy the art of dance. Despite the improvements in our current conditions, safety will continue be a top priority at DAUI. I need everyone one to join me in following our safety protocols with diligence, as doing so can minimize the potential for illness - not just for those attending class, but for immediate and extended family as well. Please do not send your dancer to the studio if he or she has a fever, nausea, or other COVID-related symptoms; when in doubt, it is best that your dancer take the day off from class. Every person who enters the dance studio must adhere to all DAUI safety protocols. As life returns to "normal", it is important that dancers and parents not linger anywhere in the studio before or after classes. Students should arrive a few minutes before class and leave immediately following class. All rides must be arranged ahead of time to avoid “hanging out” in the building. Miss Sonya will make a concerted effort to ensure that dancers are dismissed on time to avoid unnecessary delays and overlap between classes.
Students should make every effort to dress in class attire and put hair up before arriving at the studio, but dance shoes should NEVER be worn outside to avoid tracking dirt and germs onto the dance floor.
Masks are optional. Students who have recently contracted COVID and are returning following quarantine are expected to wear a mask for an additional week while dancing and the mask must be worn anytime the dancer is inside the studio premises.
Students should sanitize hands before and after each class as well as before and after barre work.
Maintain a physical distance of at least 2 feet from others whenever possible.
There should be no sharing of dance items, food, drinks, etc., while at the studio.
If props are used, they will be sanitized regularly.
Dancers will be encouraged to space appropriately at the barre, center floor, and when traveling across the floor. No leaning on barres, walls, and other touch-points..
Dancers must wear shoes when receiving instruction. Until further notice, white cotton socks should be worn instead of DancePaws for lyrical/contemporary classes. If a dancer forgets shoes, socks must be worn during class - no bare feet.
DAUI will continue to use EPA approved cleaning items. An atomizer-UVA light sprayer has been purchased to sanitize all touch-point areas regularly. This includes, but is not limited to, door handles, the restroom, water fountain, benches, and the dance floors themselves.
A touchless hand sanitizer station is available to dancers during class. In addition, a touchless soap dispenser is available in the bathroom. Each contains EPA approved anti-bacterial product.
Please dress in appropriate class attire, secure hair, and use the restroom BEFORE arriving for class. The dressing rooms and bathroom are for emergency purposes only and use should be avoided whenever possible.
The main door will be unlocked for entry immediately before class and will be relocked five minutes after the start time of each class. The door will remain locked during classes, so students that arrive more than five minutes late must ring the doorbell and wait to be admitted. Parents are asked to drop students off without entering the studio. Please note that even the youngest students quickly learn to follow directions and prepare for class and dress for leaving independently after only a few dance classes. I or a class assistant will guide them as needed.
Please walk younger dancers to the door and have him or her line up and wait until the door is open to enter the studio. If your dancer is old enough, you may park at the curb to drop off your dancer, but do not drive away until you have watched him/her walk safely inside. Parents will remain outside the studio and the doors will be locked while class is in session. With the continued rise in random crime, it is my job to ensure that your child is safe when entrusted to my care!
Avoid touching walls and other items while in the studio. If you must use the water fountain or restroom, please use hand sanitizer immediately before and afterwards.
If a dancer is found to have a temperature he/she will be sent home. Any temperature 100.4 F or greater is considered a fever.
As always, your cooperation and understanding with the aforementioned information is greatly appreciated!
-Miss Sonya